DIY Animatronic Terminator T-800 Endo Skull Build (ALL METAL)

Hi all T-800 fans, I’m starting to seriously plan my Model 101 scratch skull build! The idea will be to 3D-print the skull and then fix up the print’s imperfections with bondo/plaster/clay and spent a lot of time fixing the details by hand. I acquired this 3D model where the author claims it’s base is … Read more

Possibly the greatest VR motion simulator rig of all time

Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics have developed a new kind of motion simulator that may rival even the best of gimbaled configurations out there. The revolutionary motion simulator is based on a system of high speed winches and cables and requires a large room (essentially a warehouse) to operate. The user … Read more

How The Empire Strikes Back perfected the art of the blue screen in the 80s

Mark Vargo is a pioneer of cinematography and a huge contributor to the special effects industry. Watch in the video below how Mark explains step-by-step how ILM processed their blue-screen footage in The Empire Strikes Back. Vargo mentions they used rear-lit blue screens that emit light in a very specific range of 500 nanometers. Captured … Read more

Virtual Reality can help train paraplegics to regain movement and walk again

Recent breakthroughs in VR technology have allowed scientists to explore all kinds of unique applications for simulating reality (other than in games).

Virtual Reality can help train paraplegics to regain movement and walk again

Eight patients who were paralyzed from the waist down from spinal cord injuries were chosen to conduct the trials.

Originally, the scientist were working on advanced robotic walking prosthetic project. While conducting tests, they discovered something unexpected: All the patients who prolonged their training  managed to regain some of the feeling and motor skills below their injury sites.

The process began by strapping the patient into an apparatus with a variety of sensors and inputs.

Two times a week, for approximate 1 hour per day, the patient was hooked up to an Oculus Rift headset.

Virtual Reality can help train paraplegics to regain movement and walk again

The patient was then trained to teach their brainwaves to walk as an avatar in a virtual environment, rather than themselves walking.

Bu analyzing the brain activity, the scientists discovered how to trick the patient’s brain into actually believing that it was walking.


Some patients were even able to regain some level of bladder control. For more information, please visit the source link or watch the video above.




IKEA launches their own version of a DIY hydroponic herb garden


IKEA’s off-the-shelf mini hydroponic herb garden looks like a fun kitchen companion if you don’t want to get your hands dirty building your own system from scratch.

Ikea provides all the components you need along with step by step instructions.
Ikea provides all the components you need along with step by step instructions.

This stylish little unit is Ikea’s answer to a mine herb planter that can grow anything from basil to lettuce on your kitchen counter.

The herb garden comes in a foolproof kit format that actually has quite a few components that need to be assembled.

You begin by germinating and sprouting the seeds in small rockwool cylinders.

Timelapse of the seedlings sprouting from the herb garden
Timelapse of the seedlings sprouting from the herb garden

After the seedlings sprout, you move the baby plants to a tray filled with pumice stones that retain water. The roots will eventually grow through the rockwool medium and suck water up from the stones.


A revolutionary way to “grow” building bricks using bacteria and sand

Organisms like this Sporosarcina pasteurii bacterium deposit calcium carbonate to grow extremely strong natural structures
Organisms like this Sporosarcina pasteurii bacterium deposit calcium carbonate to grow extremely strong natural structures

Humans are natural builders and innovators. When a new construction method comes along and starts to become the go-to material (like concrete), we can sometimes forget that more optimal alternatives may exist. Deep infrastructure gets built around the material and it becomes costly to use anything else.

Concrete is made by mixing crushed rocks, cement, and water together. Aside from using huge amount of water, cement takes an incredible amount of energy to produce. Apparently, cement manufacturing consumes more energy than any other single manufacturing industry in the USA.

Instead of consuming massive amounts of energy to fire and produce bricks, Inventors have played with the idea of GROWING bricks using a similar concept as an organisms growing coral in the sea at ambient temperatures.

First, bacteria is injected into brick-shaped molds containing a media like sand.
First, bacteria is injected into brick-shaped molds containing a media like sand.

The bacteria binds the sand together by depositing calcium carbonate in the gaps between the grains of sand. The whole process takes about 5 days to get a complete hard brick.

Completed sand bricks bound together by bacteria at ambient temps.
Completed sand bricks bound together by bacteria at ambient temps.

This process could revolutionize the construction process as the bricks could be made ON SITE and require exponentially less energy.

Technologies like these could potentially be used to grow construction materials on other planets like Mars, where sand is abundant!
Technologies like these could potentially be used to grow construction materials on other planets like Mars, where sand is abundant!


Vintage Wooden Ford Truck with chassis made entirely out of wood

Some fine craftsmanship went into this vintage wooden Ford truck build. Not exactly sure what model the truck is as there appears to be a lot of creative license in the wooden body paneling. Nonetheless have a look and enjoy this beautiful example of fine woodworking. For a video walk-around of the truck, scroll to … Read more

Incredible all-in-one Hybrid Metal Laser 3D Printer and 5-Axis CNC

DMG MORI has succeeded in building one of the most amazing rapid prototyping machines that any maker will have the pleasure of admiring. This machine is effectively a 3D metal-printer with a built in automatic 5-axis CNC lathe/milling machine.

Shown here in concept drawings, the slick looking industrial machine efficiently houses everything you need to make your polished metal part in a single session.

Photos and Concept Art by DMG MORI

The first process in building this part is building it up using a powerful laser and a metal substrate:

Video by DMG MORI

Notice that when the laser has finished bonding the metal the resulting finish is rough and imperfect almost appearing like a casting.

Video by DMG MORI
Video by DMG MORI

Once a section of metal layers is completed, the laser print head is automatically put to the side and the subtractive CNC mill is activated.

Any holes and drilled/tapped and rough surfaces are cleaned up to a polish.

Video by DMG MORI
Video by DMG MORI
Industrial Turbine Part
Industrial Turbine Part

The finalized part shown here is nothing short of a miracle.

While this industrial machine is going to be cost prohibitive for the average maker at home, hopefully it’s a sign that the technology is here and is only a matter of time until it shows up in the consumer market or DIY solutions become available as high powered lasers become cheaper.

We hope you have as much fun we did watching this part materialize in the video below!