DIY Driftwood Horse Sculpture How-To Build (Reclaimed Wood)

Step 2: Build Your Frame

Keep in a mind that a CNC machine is not required to build your frame or “skeleton”. You can manually build a rough frame out of scrap wood, branches, coat hangers, twine, and wires. The appearance of the frame isn’t really important as it will either be covered up or disposed of as you add your pieces of reclaimed wood.

I started by removing my skeleton pieces from the tabs holding them together in the wood.

Once I had all of my skeleton/frame pieces cut out, I started assembling the frame with the help of some scrap wood lying around.

I printed out an “assembly guide” to help visualize the positioning of the limbs as they relate to the torso in the drawing that I chose earlier.

The initial frame was put together with various sizes of construction screws and deck screws.

If this is an outdoor sculpture, it’s recommended to not use cheaper ‘indoor’ screws like drywall screws or floor screws because they will rust over time and lose their integrity.

Once you have your approximate shape of the frame, it’s time to start adding your reclaimed wood!

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